sexta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2010


Afro- Brazilian, Percussion, Samba, Lambada, Maculele, Stretch Class, and Water Aerobics.

Monday :

7:30-8:15 am -Water Aerobics
10:00am - 12N- Afro Brazilian
15:30- 17:00 - Percussion- Roots of Brazil
17:30- 18:30- Stretch


7:30-8:15 - Water Aerobics
9:00-10:00- Stretch
10:00-11:30- Samba
14:30- 16:00 - Percussion- Samba Rhythms
17:15-18:45 - Lambada

Wednesday :

7:30-8:15 am -Water Aerobics
10:00am - 12N- Afro Brazilian
15:30- 17:00 - Percussion- Roots of Brazil
17:30- 18:30- Stretch


7:30-8:15 - Water Aerobics
9:00-10:00- Stretch
10:00-11:30- Samba
14:30- 16:00 - Percussion- Samba Rhythms
17:15-18:45 - Lambada


7:30-8:15- Water Aerobics
9:00- 10:00- Stretch
10:00-12:00- Afro Brazilian
15:00-17:00- Percussion

Friday Evening: 18:30-22:00
Farewell Dinner with performances


Kaito Gomes( Afro Brazilian and Percussion)-
Master drummer, dancer, coreographer , originally from Ilheus has taught for over twenty years and is musical director /coreographer of his own dance company Grupo Cultural Axe Odara .

Ana Paula da Silva ( Samba)-
Dancer/director of her own dance company Missanga, originally from Rio de Janeiro teaches in Arraial D’Ajuda .

Nilton ( Percussion)-
Master Drummer, Ogan is from Belmonte, Bahia will teach the basic rhythms of Samba with some of the traditional lyrics.

Jimena Alvarez( Stretch)-
Teacher of theater and “Corporal Expression”, massage therapist, artist and native of Argentina studied at theNigeria Soria University in Rosário.

Jimena´s students

Pinguin”(Evenilson)( Maculêle)-
Capoeirista from Capoeira Sul da Bahia , Mestre Railson, instructor (blue-yellow) and practicing for 17 years will teach Maculele, which is a stick fight disguised as a dance that emerged in Salvador in the town of Purificação do Santo Amaro, where sugar cane workers “battled” each other for sport with their knives.

Nairo Ramos (Lambada)-
Dancer/coreographer , director of his own dance company in Ilheus, teaches Lambada in Porto Seguro and performs regularly.

Vivian Lee ( Water Aerobics)-
Dancer,teacher . Good class for getting out in the Sun early and toning muscles!

All classes are for all levels but you should have taken some dance classes and have a basic cardio-vascular resistence.

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